The western outskirts of the City of Sofia are completely obscured by the exhaust from Swiss-built Mikado (Winterthur 3593/1935) Class 2-8-2 No. 01.23 on the glorious morning of 20th October 2024. This was the second consecutive day that this locomotive was involved on main line steam tours originating out from the capital. BDZ 'Attraction Train' No.AT6583 is captured bearing down on Obelya 'Stop' and road crossing. The 09:30 departure from the capital was organised to celebrate 'The Day of Bozata' in Radomir. Bozata is a local drink that originated from the Bulgarian southwestern town of Radomir, a drink rather like a very thick milkshake with an oaty flavour from which it is made.
Stephen Ginn       


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