BDZ PP SIEMENS DMU set No. 10045/10046 gets underway from Voluyak with local service SUB 13207 (12:25) Bankya to Sofia Central on 12th October 2023. The two-car DMU is captured at the road crossing in situ at the eastern end of the yard and station area. This is a relatively quiet road connection between the station area and the main residential area of Voluyak although it is often used as a short cut from the main route between Sofia and the Serbian border to Voluyak and beyond. Protected by half barriers which are often in the lowered position for many minutes at a time, especially during shunting manoeuvres, it is a crossing that is constantly abused by drivers of cars, vans, lorries and even horse and carts! Many drivers get frustrated with lengthy delays to their journey's and simply drive around the barriers and across all the running lines. If I had a pound for each time that I have withnessed this dangerous practice I would be a rich man by now!.
Stephen Ginn       


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