Clearly I wouldnt have got the camera out of the bag where it not for the very unusual occurrence of a DRS 47 hired in by Colas to work the Boston Steel. This is certainly a first for the working. Class 47 No. 47818 is seen after sunset in shocking light, 6400 ISO and Photoshop makes it identifiable for what it is but extremely grainy. I shouldn't have seen it at all as I was booked to work Fiskerton Junction this afternoon but a call from the roster clerk at a late hour re-directed me to Netherfield Junction. Fortunately no other traffic was about so I was able to step outside to get the snap. For the record, Class 47/4 No. 47818 working 6E07 the 14:02 Washwood Heath - Boston Docks empty steel carriers is seen passing Netherfield Junction box slightly ahead of time at 16:58 on Monday 4th February 2013.
John Illingworth       


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