A shot I've done before but I like it. I'd just done a night shift at Fiskerton Junction and signalled this beastie sending 'train entering section' to Lowdham at 04:02 (34 early) so I new it'd not be late arriving at Rectory which meant I'd be cutting it fine. As I approached I could here it winding up having been handed the radio by the shunter at Rectory Box and I had to break into my version of 'running'. I just made it, pointed the camera and pressed the shutter and hoped for the best. Not too bad in the circumstances. This is the viaduct beyond Rectory Junction over the Trent and here 6M11 02:03 Lindsey - Rectory Junction tanks slowly draws forward beyond the trailing crossover that gives access to the oil terminal. The time is 05:36 on Tuesday 19th June 2012.
John Illingworth       


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