On heavy overhaul inside BREL Glasgow Works on Saturday 3rd June 1978 is Class 122 DMBS No. 55007. Sitting on raised accommodation bogies, most of her underfloor equipment has been removed for either repair or replacement. Built by the Gloucester RC&W Co. in May 1958 by 1960 she was allocated to Birmingham Tyseley MPD. Ten years later in 1970 No. 55007 had made the long journey to Scotland and to Hamilton DMU Depot just outside Glasgow, later swithching to Eastfield MPD which was her home at the time of my photo. 1980 found No. 55007 allocated even further north at Aberdeen MPD. I can't imagine there was a lot of work for a single railcar in Scotland during those years and most of the time No. 55007 and the few other Class 122's in Scotland were used either as replacement power cars in a 3 car set or for Route Learning. Withdrawn in December 1983 No. 55007 was transferred into Departmental Stock as No. DB975223 and was now officially used as a Route Learning vehicle. Scrapping took place at Vic Berry's Leicester during February 1989.
Bob Woolnough       


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