Published at 14:40 on Friday 22nd March 2019
Tags: Eurotunnel, Bombardier, Refurbishment, Passenger Shuttles, Coquelles

An artist's impression of what the refurbished double-deck vehicles may look like. Eurotunnel

As part of the 2018-2026 mid-life programme, Eurotunnel has signed a contract with Bombardier Transportation to renovate nine 'passenger' shuttles.

In the 25-year period since the opening of the Channel Tunnel, these Shuttles have each travelled an average of 300 round trips per month and conveyed over 236 million passengers between France and Great-Britain.

The contract covers 254 wagons, and is valued at €150 million over a period of seven years and will be undertaken in the workshops at Coquelles, with the wagons being dealt with three at a time. Deliveries of the newly refurbished Shuttles will start in mid-2022 and continue until mid-2026.

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