Amid snow showers and low cloud Class 99 2-10-2T No. 99 7234-0 prepares to run around it's train at the Harz Railway's Brocken Summit Station in Germany on Valentines Day 14th February 2016. Hauling the 7 coach 09:40 departure from Wernigerode it has taken 1hr 40min to travel the 35km route to the summit climbing nearly 3t in the process. Two water stops have been taken en route, at Drei Annen Hohne and at Schierke. No. 99 7234-0 will have just 15 minutes on the mountain top before departing back to Wernigerode at 11:36. Even in February there are 8 steam arrivals at the summit every day and as there are limited passing places on the single track line a quick turnaround is essential for timekeeping.
Bob Woolnough       


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