On the evening of the 18th May 2015 Colas Rail Class 56 No. 56113 reported low power and was unable to take the Boston to Washwood Heath working, so it returned to its base 'light engine', received attention and returned to Boston the next morning with two Boden Rail Class 50s. Here the Class 50s No. 50017 'Royal Oak', in the original Network South East livery, and No. 50007 'Hercules', in BR blue, are seen with the 10:22 STP Boston Docks to Washwood Heath loaded steel wagons travelling through Catholme on 19th May 2015. No. 56113 stayed at Boston for the usual night working. This is the second time these Class 50s have come to the aid of No. 56113; it previously ran out of coolant while working the Grangemouth to Sinfin tanks on 19th March 2015.
John Neave       


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