Sunday 28th August 1977 finds Class 55 No. 55013 'The Black Watch' under repair at Haymarket MPD. Allocated there when new in September 1961 as D9013, Haymarket would be home for most of her service life. Named at Dundee on 16th January 1963 she emerged from repair at Doncaster Works during December 1967 dual braked and in BR blue livery. ETH fitting was completed at Doncaster during May 1971 and renumbering to No. 55013 took place in February 1974. Transfer away from Haymarket to York MPD in May 1979 was as a result of widespread HST introduction and Deltics began to work secondary mail line services. Withdrawl, due to engine failure in December 1981, signalled the end for No. 55013 and she was scrapped at Doncaster Works during December 1982.
Bob Woolnough       


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