1T57 - The End of Steam Re-Run

Some of the images collated from Railway Herald readers of the re-run of 1T57 that marked the end of British Railways steam in August 1968.

70013 at Manchester Victoria
Neil Snuggs
45407 at Appleby
Richard Whiteley
70013 at Carlisle
Richard Whiteley
48151 at Manchester Victoria
Mick Rogers
45231 at Liverpool Lime Street
Richard Whiteley
45407 at Appleby
Richard Whiteley
45407 at Carlisle
Richard Whiteley
70013 at Carlisle
Richard Whiteley
70013 at Manchester Victoria
Richard Whiteley
48151 at Liverpool Lime Street
Richard Whiteley
70013 at Manchester Victoria
Mick Rogers
70013 at Manchester Victoria
Mick Rogers
70013 at Liverpool Road Manchester
Mick Rogers
70013 at Ribblehead Station
Shep Woolley
45407 at Carlisle
Allan Mckever

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