Normally the Waterside system used two working locos every weekday but on Friday 4th February 1977 only NCB Ayrshire Area 0-4-0ST No. 1 was available at Dunaskin. Here, it is seen pushing a loaded train of coal wagons towards the short but steep incline that led to the top sidings by the washery. It usually took both locos combined to perform this move so No. 1 is working flat out on its own and close examination of her wheels will show that the sanders are working very well. Built by Andrew Barclay in Kilmarnock in 1955, it would remain on the Waterside system right up until final closure in July 1978 although latterly would be the spare loco. Saved for preservation by the Ayrshire Railway Preservation Group, the locomotive can still be found at Dunaskin, Waterside although is currently in store awaiting restoration.
Bob Woolnough       


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