Class 85 Nos. 85040 with 85036 on display at Crewe station Open Day on 4th July 1987. AL5 No. 85036 was new as E3091 on leaving Doncaster Works on 2nd July 1963 and was renumbered to 85110 on 3rd June 1989. She was withdrawn on 18th October 1991 and cut up at M.C.Metal Processing, Springburn works, Glasgow on 21st October 1992. AL5 No. 85040 left Doncaster Works as E3095 in January 1964 but was not taken into stock until December 1964 after a period in storage. She was withdrawn on 28th October 1991 after sustaining fire damage and met its end at M.C.Metal Processing, Springburn Works, Glasgow on 15th January 1993.
Keith Partlow       


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