Class 27/0 27031 sits forlornly on the scrap line at BREL Glasgow Works on Saturday 3rd June 1978. Delivered to BR in March 1962 as No. D5378 she was initially allocated to Thornaby MPD, Teeside and was one of a small batch of Class 27s No. D5370 - D5378, used mainly for freight work as they were never equipped with a steam heating boiler. Transferred to the LMR in 1966 for freight work around London, by 1970 all Class 27s had been moved to Scotland as part of a fleet standardisation scheme. Under TOPS renumbering she became No. 27031 in April 1974 while operating from Eastfield MPD Glasgow. The reason for withdrawl is fairly clear from my photo, severe fire damage at the number 2 end of the loco. No. 27031 had been withdrawn during May 1978 and did not last much longer being dismantled at BREL Glasgow Works during August of that year.
Bob Woolnough       


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