Saturday 7th June 1986 finds Class 56 No. 56015 spending the weekend on Worksop Stabling point. One of the early Class 56 locos whose building was subcontracted to Electroputere, Romania No. 56015 was dragged by rail across Europe and arrived in the UK after a train ferry crossing to Harwich in early January 1977. Along with classmate No. 56014 they were then towed to Tinsley MPD Sheffield on 7th January 1977 for commissioning by BR. No. 56015 was allocated to Tinsley until at least 1985 but had made the short move to Toton TMD by 1988. Her career on BR was to be short as withdrawl took place while still allocated to Toton in November 1993. Some confusion however still exists regarding her final disposal. Some reports say that No. 56015 was cut up at Doncaster Works by contractors MRJ Phillips in March 1996 while others suggest that she was in fact taken to the Ron Hull yard in Rotherham and scrapped there during March or April 1986.
Bob Woolnough       


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