Monday 30th January 1978 and Andrew Barclay 0-4-0ST NCB No. 10 Ayrshire Area leaves Minnivey Loop, Burnton, with a train of empty side tipper wagons for Dunaskin Washery, Waterside Ayrshire. The wagon behind No. 10 is being used as a makeshift tender for the tank engine to enable a full shift to be covered without the need to stop for coal. In the right hand distance is Minnivey Colliery, disused by this time. Pennyvenie Colliery, the reason the line was still open, was a further mile down the line while Dunaskin Washery was a mile or so behind the camera. This would be the last winter to see steam at Pennyvenie as the colliery closed in July 1978, with the railway closing at the same time. No. 10 survives in preservation still based at Waterside, near Dalmellington Ayrshire under the care of the Scottish Industrial Railway Centre although I doubt No. 10 spends much time outside in the Ayrshire winters now.
Bob Woolnough       


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