NCB West Ayr Area No. 24, Andrew Barclay 0-6-0T works number 2335 of 1953 has just passed the derelict colliery and is entering the loop at Minnivey, Ayrshire on Monday 30th January 1978 with a returning loaded coal train from the Pennyvenie Colliery at Dalmellington to the Dunaskin Washery, Waterside. The BR 16 ton coal wagons will go straight into the exchange sidings for collection by BR at Waterside while the 8 NCB wagons will be pushed up to the washery and emptied. The first wagon behind No. 24 is being used as a loco tender. Unusually for industrial steam No. 24 has been fitted with a Giesel Ejector during an overhaul at some point. It can still be seen in place today at the SRPS Bo'ness Railway site where it is a static exhibit. Pennyvenie Colliery closed in July 1978 and the line became disused. Since then part of the route has been preserved by the Scottish Industrial Railway Centre with it's headquarters at Waterside.
Bob Woolnough       


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