Images taken on 1st July 2015

82105 at IpswichKeith Partlow
46115 at PleasingtonBarry Martin
46115 at NappaDavid Mogg
37405 at Oulton Broad NorthJohn Neave
33063 at Tunbridge WellsMark Baldwin
66538 at IpswichKeith Partlow
70020 at IpswichKeith Partlow
158839 at PwhelliPhil Leigh
66427 at Ais GillBarry Martin
46115 at Ais GillBarry Martin
66759 at RibbleheadGregory Fitchett
66568 at IpswichKeith Partlow
158841 at HarlechPhil Leigh
158820 at PwllheliPhil Leigh
158825 at HarlechPhil Leigh
156825 at CricciethPhil Leigh
46115 at Ramsgreave & WilpshireDavid Mogg
37670 at Barrow HillMichael S
60087 at ApplebyRobin Patrick
66558 at IpswichKeith Partlow
60085 at Lostock HallJohn Balaam
46115 at Blea MoorBarry Martin
15224 at Tunbridge WellsMark Baldwin
158941 at HarlechPhil Leigh
90011 at IpswichKeith Partlow
158841 at HarlechPhil Leigh
158839 at PwllheliPhil Leigh
156835 at CricceithPhil Leigh
628-322 at BerettyoujfaluSteve Madden
4510 at Brussels MidiGrahamthepreacher

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