Images uploaded by Simon Harling

220xxx at Colton.
91105 at Colton.
91104 at Colton.
43357 at Cogload Junction.
170393 at Carrbridge.
185111 at Colton.
82215 at Colton.
91xxx at Colton.
390011 at Langlands.
66953 at Charlton Bridge.
66740 at Spean Bridge.
43308 at Colton.
43161 at Charlton Bridge.
43002 at Charlton Bridge.
43132 at Cogload Junction.
66121 at Harrendale Quarry.
66650 at Cogload Junction.
170425 at Carrbridge.
66550 at Charlton Bridge.
66740 at Tulloch.
82207 at Colton Junction.
150101 at Chartlon Bridge.
220018 at Colton Junction.
N/A at Tulloch Sidings.
45407 at Loch Eilt.
170393 at Dalwhinnie.
66560 at Charlton Bridge.
66957 at Cogload Junction.
60007 at Cogload Junction.
45407 at Glenfinnan.

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