Why was the free trial period extended?
As you will be aware subscriptions were due to start from the publication of Issue 304 on Wednesday 29th February. The team at Railway Herald has always aimed to provide the best service and magazine possible, and in activating subscriptions, we want to ensure that we can continue to deliver that same quality, both in the magazine and through the website.
Because of this, we decided to extend the free trial period until the publication of Issue 308 on Wednesday 28th March, to allow additional time to check, test and double-check our systems and website, and ensure that the change over to subscriptions goes as smoothly as possible.
All subscriptions will now commence from 28th March, and will expire with Issue 311 (one month subscriptions), Issue 319 (three month subscriptions), Issue 331 (six month subscriptions) or Issue 359 (13-month subscriptions). Our *special offer* of 13 months for the price of 12 has also been extended for the duration of the free trial.
If you have already purchased a subscription, you should have received an email from us, and the updated details should show on your RH account, when you log on. The Subscription History screen should also have been updated to reflect the amended period.
If you have yet to subscribe to Railway Herald and wish to find out more about the possible subscription options, please click here.